
Tips, tricks and information from Ensemble practitioners.

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Pregnancy Resources


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Postpartum Resources

Bringing Baby Home Checklist

    • Baby’s stomach is very small at birth, about the size of a cherry. They need frequent, small feeds.

    • Most newborns clusterfeed between 24-48 hrs of life, this stimulation helps with milk production.

    • Baby will be happiest when held skin-to-skin. Skin-to-skin time with mom in the first few days of life helps her milk production.

    • A Public Health Nurse will contact you when you go home to arrange a visit within 1-2 days.

    • Caring for yourself will help you have the energy to care for baby. That might look like taking time for a shower, or a walk outside, or a quick chat with a supportive friend or family member.

    • Watch videos to learn about position and latch. Global Health Media is a great resource.

    • Hand express often, this stimulation will help with milk production.

    • Book an appointment with your physician, typically 5-7 days after going home.

    • Limit visitors and avoid being a host/hostess. Accept offers of help and give people specific tasks that would help you.

    • Register baby’s birth online at

Breastfeeding Support

WATCH: Laid-Back Breastfeeding

FEEDING: Laid-Back Breastfeeding

Shannon gives an in-depth demonstration of laid-back breastfeeding, including how to combine it with other positions such as football and cross cradle.

TIP: Enable captions, then click and drag the captions to the top of the screen to be able to see all of Shannon's demonstrations.

Resources from Group Programs

Global Health Media - Videos here and here

Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine - Parent Handouts

The Institute for the Advancement of Breastfeeding and Lactation Education - Videos

Newborn Cues - What is your baby trying to say to you? - Video

Newborn Baby Hands - Info Sheet

Feeding Routines, Cheerios & Blueberries - Post

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